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Litigation Support & Forensic Accounting

Experts on the stand
We have decades of expertise investigating, identifying, and resolving economic damages issues involving IP infringement, real estate, construction, trust and estate, personal injury, as well as fraud and embezzlement.
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With over 30 years of specialized accounting and tax service experience working with entrepreneurs and individuals, we’ve earned the credentials and respect to seamlessly integrate forensic accounting, litigation support, and expert witness testimony into our comprehensive offerings. Our experts will support your case to the highest degree.

When financial damage issues are involved in litigation, it is important that these issues be presented clearly, independently, and accurately. The forensic accountants at Smith Dickson provide knowledgeable, objective opinions based on many years of experience and technical knowledge. We work with attorneys to analyze multifaceted financial transactions, evaluate claims, calculate damages, prepare expert reports, and render expert witness testimony based thereon. Our professionals interpret, quantify, and provide expert testimony on the complicated financial information that is needed to support a case.

Our forensic accounting specialists have logged thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition, and trial experience in U.S. District, state, probate courts, and arbitration, both as expert witnesses and consultants for pre-litigation matters as well as commercial litigation. Additionally, we have served as court-appointed referees when needed. Our experts will support your case to the highest degree.

Areas of Expertise

  • Business owner disputes/divorces
  • Economic damages
  • Employment matters
  • Entertainment
  • Forensic accounting
  • Fraud and embezzlement
  • Intellectual property
  • Investigations, including pre-litigation
  • Personal injury
  • Real estate/construction
  • Taxation
  • Trust and estate

Expert Testimony

  • U.S. District Courts
  • Superior Courts, multiple counties and states
  • Probate Courts
  • Family Law Courts
  • Private, binding, and voluntary arbitration

Types of Engagements

  • Asset accounting and tracing
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Business dissolution/ownership allocations
  • Business interruption
  • Business valuations
  • Capitalization/note tracing
  • Cash flow, trends, budgets, forecasts
  • Court-appointed referee
  • Employee embezzlement
  • Estate/trust disputes
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Financial record reconstruction
  • Forensic accounting
  • Fraud examinations
  • Identification of false tax returns
  • Insurance bad faith
  • Internal accounting investigations and controls
  • Investment tracing
  • Kiting of corporate bank funds
  • Loss in value of securities
  • Loss of earnings
  • Lost profits/unjust enrichment
  • Medical malpractice
  • Misstatement of business liabilities
  • Misappropriation of corporate/LLC assets and funds
  • Tax under-reporting – civil and criminal
  • Trust and estate accounting
  • Unauthorized transactions by officers, directors, partners, shareholders
  • Unrecorded income
  • Wrongful death
  • Wrongful termination


Our accounting experts investigate a wide spectrum of issues, including allegations of fraud, embezzlement, asset misappropriation, material misstatements on financial statements, economic damages, and more. We tailor our accounting investigative skills across various industries, catering to companies of any size and focus. We then provide our clients or attorneys with invaluable insights and data with which to resolve disputes.

Expert Witness Services

In the midst of legal battles, it is paramount for attorneys to have a knowledgeable, experienced, and qualified accounting expert witness to provide opinions related to the financial affairs in litigation matters. Our team is not only well-versed on the intricacies of financial investigations, but through our years of experience, we have gained the specialized skills and knowledge to understand legal proceedings, present facts in a manner best suited for a judge or jury, and appear on the stand as a credible and trustworthy expert.

Consulting Expert Services

Our team is available for expert consulting services to provide insight into a case and offer a strategy for a positive outcome without the need for formal testimony. We work closely with legal teams to offer the expertise they need to understand documents, create persuasive narratives, and present a compelling case for potential settlement.

Deposition Preparation

Our seasoned forensic accounting experts assist attorneys with preparing for depositions by copiously sorting through and evaluating extensive discovery documents and providing invaluable insight and recommendations.

Trial Exhibit Preparation

We create compelling and organized trial exhibits, including schedules, charts, and graphical aids designed for attorneys to present facts in court in a clear and comprehensible manner. Our meticulous approach ensures that the data we collected over the course of our investigations are presented in user-friendly and easy to reference exhibits for proceedings.

Experts in LItigation. Experts on the stand.

We are Southern California’s top CPA firm for litigation support, forensic accounting, and expert witness services.
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